The Council of the Theosophical Society in Europe

Council of the EFTS in August 2017
Council of the EFTS at the Residencia Universitaria Sarriá in Barcelona, Spain, before the beginning of the 38th European Congress in August 2017. From the left: Jenny Baker (GS of the TS in England), Sabine Van Osta (GS of the TS in Belgium), Els Rijneker (member of the Executive Committee, The Netherlands), Antonio Girardi (GS of the TS in Italy), Ana Maria Torra (Vice-Chairperson of the EFTS, Spain), Monica Ostelius (Vice-GS of the TS in Sweden), Ing-Britt Wiklund (GS of the TS in Sweden), Nancy Secrest (International Treasurer), János Szabari (OS of the TS in Hungary),Tim Boyd (International President of the TS), Patrizia M. Calvi (member of the Executive Committee), Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu (Chairperson of the EFTS, France), Andrea Biasca-Caroni (PR of the TS in Switzerland), Angels Torra Buron (GS of the TS in Spain), Ana Maria de Sousa (GS of the TS in Portugal), Nano Leguay (GS of the TS in France), Marja Artamaa (International Secretary and member of the Executive Committee, Finland), Wim Leys (GS of the TS in the Netherlands).

All Executive Committee members, General Secretaries (GS) elected, all Organizing Secretaries (OS) elected, and all Presidential Representatives (PR) appointed by the International President (for Sections and countries in Europe) are members of the Council ex officio.

The Council conducts the business of the Federation, it takes all decisions on broad policy and conducts elections. Decisions of the Council are carried out by the Executive Committee.

The Council meets annually (usually around summer time) independently or in connection with a Congress or a summer school of a member country.

The Council receives a report on the activities of the Federation from the Chairman and hears reports from the National Societies, Sections, Regional Associations of lodges and Presidential Representatives. It fixes the place and date of congresses, summer schools, etc.